Friday, May 29, 2009

Plan Ahead Time for EPA’s Inspection Regulation

Springfield Greene County Health Department's Air Quality Control Division is the local agency that is delegated under authority of the MO Air Conservation Statute to enforce the EPA's National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulation on asbestos.

The Missouri DNR administers an asbestos removal program. The intent is to minimize the release of asbestos fibers during activities involving the processing, handling, and disposal of asbestos-containing material. NESHAP specifies these practices to be followed during demolitions and renovations of all facilities defined as structures, installations, and buildings (excluding residential structures that have four or fewer dwelling units).

In addition, the regs require the owner of the building and/or the operator to notify the Springfield Air Quality Control (SAQC) before any demolition, or before renovations to buildings that contain a certain threshold amount of asbestos or regulated asbestos-containing materials (RACM).

The projects have to be inspected by a Missouri registered asbestos building inspector even if the structure was built since the asbestos regulations were enacted.

You are required to submit a notification form for demolition or renovation even if no asbestos is present.

·Demolition is taking out of any load-supporting structural member of a facility.

·Renovation is altering a facility or one or more facility components in any way, including the stripping or removal of RACM. A renovation includes, but is not limited to any interior renovation or remodel not affecting load-supporting structural members or a roof replacement.

How much asbestos must be present before the Asbestos NESHAP work practice standards apply? What is a notification? How do I notify?

These and many more questions are answered in a FAQ handout I can email to you upon request. Contact:

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